Wednesday, June 11, 2014


EH-GAD IM A HORRIBLE BLOGGER. HOW COULD I HAVE ABANDONED THIS BLOG FOR THREE MONTHS?!?! I hope you can forgive me, (if theres anyone even out there who's reading this and will accept my apology). But here's a list of excuses as to why I haven't been writing for a while:

  • Of course school has to be my first reason. We all know how it is, school gets in the way of everything-easy as that. Especially college finals at the end of second semester *shivers* I'm just glad it's summer. Also with transferring to a new college, I had to meet with counselors and all that junk and "plan out my future", bleh. 
  • Right after school ended, I had a pretty hectic start to my summer vacation. In a good way of course, as in I traveled and hung out with friends and family and even went to my first party ( I know, I'm almost 20 and I've never been to a party ever, not even a high school dance, sad) 
  • Writers block. Looking at all these other fashion/beauty/lifestyle blogs, I just don't know what to write about that's interesting or appealing to an audience. I feel like everyone's done the same thing and I want to do something more creative but I just can't think of anything else. I'll wait till someone thinks of it and than I'll do that, hahah get it? idk. 
  • As a result from writers block comes laziness. Oh that summertime slack, always taking over me this time of year. 
Well there you have it folks, I think those are some top notch excuses as to why I haven't been blogging these past couple of months. After my travels though, I spent a ton of money on stuff I probably don't need but will look good and experienced some cool shit so I will be posting hauls and lifestyle stuff later one this week. See ya then (: x

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